毛燕军, 茅史亮, 李少虹. 浙江省森林火灾和ENSO循环的关系[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2015, 35(6): 28-33.
引用本文: 毛燕军, 茅史亮, 李少虹. 浙江省森林火灾和ENSO循环的关系[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2015, 35(6): 28-33.
MAO Yan-jun, MAO Shi-liang, LI Shao-hong. Relation between Forest Fires and ENSO Circulation in Zhejiang[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2015, 35(6): 28-33.
Citation: MAO Yan-jun, MAO Shi-liang, LI Shao-hong. Relation between Forest Fires and ENSO Circulation in Zhejiang[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2015, 35(6): 28-33.


Relation between Forest Fires and ENSO Circulation in Zhejiang

  • 摘要: 1968-2013年浙江森林火灾与气象资料进行统计分析,并对ENSO循环下浙江森林火灾与气象要素的关系进行了进一步分析,研究ENSO循环对浙江森林火灾的影响。结果表明:1968-1983年浙江森林火灾次数处于低值区,1984年起火灾次数突然上升,并于1986年达峰值,随后出现逐波下降趋势。浙江森林火灾多年平均月际变化呈单峰型,从12月开始上升,峰值出现在来年的4月,5月开始急剧下降,谷值出现在6月,海温暖异常月份,森林火灾减少;海温冷异常月份,森林火灾增加;ENSO循环影响浙江森林火灾的主要气候机理为:El Nino爆发前的冬季有利于浙江森林火灾的发生,而El Nino发生后的冬季不利于火灾发生;与之相反,在La Nina爆发之前的冬季不利于森林火灾的发生,而在La Nina发生后的冬季,有利于森林火灾的发生;ENSO循环还通过与冬季风的关系影响到浙江森林火灾峰值月份的出现时间,在El Nino年夏季,一般不利于浙江森林火灾的发生,在La Nina年夏季,当副高西伸脊点偏西,有利于森林火灾的发生,当西伸脊点偏东,则不利于森林火灾发生。


    Abstract: Statistical analysis on forest fires and meteorology data in Zhejiang Province during 1968-2013 demonstrated that forest fires occurred less during 1968-1983, but increased from 1984 and topped in 1986, and then decreased. Monthly forest fires(1995-2013) showed a single peak curve, increased from December, topped in April of the next year, decreased sharply in May, lowest in June. Analysis on ENSO circulation and forest fires concluded that forest fires decreased when the sea temperature was warm, and increased when it was cold.


