

Vegetation Restoration in Donggang Urban Wetland of Zhoushan

  • 摘要: 2014年对受损的浙江省舟山市东港城市湿地进行植被恢复,包括植物选择、湿地植物群落构建、水生植物的应用。在湿地植被恢复中选用乔木、灌木、草本和水生植物共计54科87属108种,其中观花植物有75种,观果植物有25种,观叶植物有74种,且有不少植物为花叶共赏或花果共赏植物;将受损退化的植物群落恢复为乔木—灌木—草本—湿生—水生植物相融合的复合群落;栽植的观花植物按开花季节分布较为均匀,四季均有植物处于开花期,以保证四季持续的观赏性。


    Abstract: Restoration of wetland plant was conducted in damaged urban wetland of Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, including plant selection, establishment of wetland plant communities, plantation of aquatic plants. A total of 108 species of plant belonging to 87 genera and 54 families were planted in the wetland, among them, 75 species of flower ornamentals, 25 species of fruit ornamentals and 74 species of foliage ones. Communities with arbor, shrub, herb, hygrophyte and aquatic plants were restored. Flower ornamentals distributed in the different seasons.


