

Correlation between Allozyme and Early Growth Traits inCunninghamia lanceolata

  • 摘要: 从杉木种子园中采集11个优良品种自由授粉家系的分系种子开展杉木等位酶与早期生长性状间的相关研究,PAGE等位酶实验共筛选出9个等位酶用于遗传分析。结果表明,苗高、地径在家系间存在显著差异,研究群体存在丰富的遗传变异;有5个等位酶位点(基因型)与苗高生长显著相关,其中X8(MNR-1)和X14(SKDH-1)为正效应,其它X2(GOT-2)、X9(MNR-2)和X15(SKDH-2)均为负效应,不同位点对苗高性状表达的作用不等效;有5个等位酶位点与地径的生长显著相关,其中除了X15为正效应外(纯合体有利于地径的生长),其它X7(MDH-4)、X12(6PGD-2)、X14(SKDH-1)和X17(Me-2)均为负效应,不同位点对地径性状表达的作用也不等效;比较地径和苗高,还发现SKDH-1和SKDH-2同时对地径苗高有作用,但作用方向相反:SKDH-2纯合体BB有利于地径生长,SKDH-2杂合体AB有利于苗高的生长;SKDH-1纯合体BB有利于苗高生长,SKDH-1杂合体AB有利于地径的生长。


    Abstract: 11 plus families were selected in 2010 from Cunninghamia lanceolata seed orchard in Suichang, Zhejiang province, for container seedling cultivation with one control in March, 2011 in Fuyang of the same province. Determinations of height and ground diameter were implemented in December of the same year. 9 allozymes were selected by polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis method using 10 embryosperms of 11 tested families. Adaptive distance model by Smouse(1986)and Bush (1987) was used, regression models between growth traits and allozyme genotypes had been established. The results showed that seedling height and ground diameter had great differences among families, five allozyme loci had evident correlation with seedling height growth and 5 ones hade significant correlation with ground diameter. The experiment proved that different allozyme loci had different marginal effects on fitness. The result demonstrated that allozyme analysis could be used for the early selection of parents in seed orchard of C. lanceolata.


