

Domestication Experiment on Phyllostachys vivax cv. Huangwenzhu

  • 摘要: 2013年将野生黄纹竹在浙江省丽水市进行驯化试验,结果表明:黄纹竹出笋规律呈偏正态分布,出笋期在3月底至6月底;成竹率高达94.02%,退笋率为5.98%,退笋高度在40 cm以下不同高度均有发生且主要集中在10~30 cm;黄纹竹笋—幼竹高生长呈缓慢—快—慢的过程,分初期、盛期和末期3个时期,笋—幼竹高生长夜间生长量是昼天生长量的1.17倍,但生长末期昼天生长量高于夜间生长量;野生黄纹竹耐干旱,造林成活率高,造林第二年平均每株发笋数3株,成林快。


    Abstract: Wild Phyllostachys vivax cv. huangwenzhu was introduced from Quzhou to Lishui, Zhejiang province, in 2013 for Domestication test. The result demonstrated that shooting regularity was skewed normal distribution from the end of March to the end of June. Bamboo/shoot rate topped 94.02%, with degraded bamboo of 5.98%. Degradation of shoot occurred under 40cm, mainly during 10-30cm. Height growth of shoot-young bamboo had 3 stages, and night increment was 1.17 time of daily one, but reversed by the end of growth stage. The experiment resulted that Ph. vivax cv. huangwenzhu had advantages of drought resistance, high conservation rate and fast formation of stand.


