
4 个树种叶片的重金属含量特征及其指示大气污染的研究

Heavy Metal Content in the Leaves of Four Tree Species andIts Function in Air Pollution Evaluation

  • 摘要: 2015 年3 月,对上海市浦东新区5 个区域的雪松(Cedrus deodara)、冬青(Ilex chinensis)、樟(Cinnamomumcamphora)、荷花玉兰(Magnolia grandiflora)4 个种树的叶片Pb,Cd,Zn,Cu 含量进行测定和分析,研究植物重金属含量与大气污染之间的关系。结果表明,所测植物叶片中Pb,Cd,Zn 和Cu 的累积量与大气中Pb,Cd,Zn 和Cu 的相对含量呈显著正相关;4 个树种叶片的重金属含量因其种类、采样区域和树种的不同差异显著,其中荷花玉兰的Pb 和Cu 的累积量最高,雪松的Cd 和Zn 的累积量最高。分析显示出浦东新区大气质量状况,交通流量大的杨高路金桥路属重污染区,高桥石化分公司和郊环线G1501 属中度污染区,洋泾社区属轻度污染区,对照属无污染区。


    Abstract: In 2015, determinations were implemented on Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn content in leaves of Cedrus deodara, Ilex chinensis, Cinnamomumcamphora ,and Magnolia grandiflora at 4 typical areas and one control in Pudong New Area, Shanghai City. Analysis were made on relationshipbetween content of heavy metals in tree leaves and that in air pollution. The results showed that Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn content in the leaves of differentplants had positive relation with their own concentration in the air. The content of heavy metals varied with types of metal, tree species and sampledarea. The determination demonstrated that M. grandiflora had the highest accumulation in Pb and Cu, and C. deodara had the highest in Cd and Zn.Analysis on metal content in tree leaf at different areas resulted air pollution orders of Pudong New Area, Shanghai.


