

Investigation and Analysis on Fruit Yield of Camellia oleiferaStands in Zhejiang

  • 摘要: 2013-2015 年连续对浙江省21 个油茶(Camellia oleifera)重点县(市、区)的低产改造林和良种新造林的油茶产量进行测定。结果表明,浙江省油茶种植总面积16.6 万hm2,其中新造良种面积4.3 万hm2;低产林主要分布在丽水和衢州,约占总面积的80%。新造良种油茶林优势明显,6~8 年生每公顷产量已超过低产改造林,经济效益也更加可观;不同地区油茶产量不同,青田县油茶产量最高。对油茶产量与立地条件各因子进行相关性分析,结果表明,油茶产量与坡度呈明显的负相关性(r=-0.271,Sig=0.009),进一步通过一元线性回归分析,自变量坡度与因变量产量的线性关系的非标准化回归方程为:Y(产量)=340.61-5.299X(坡度)。提出加大良种推广力度、扩大油茶良种栽培面积,增加油茶经济效益。


    Abstract: Investigations and determinations were implemented on fruit and oil yield of Camellia oleifera stands with different plantation methods in21 productive counties of Zhejiang province from 2013 to 2015. The result demonstrated that there were 166,000 hm2 of C. oleifera plantation,among them, 43,000 hm2were planted with new culitars. About 80% plantation were distributed in Lishui and Quzhou city, with low yield. Plantationwith 6-8-year new cultivars had higher yield and economic benefit than the mean one of transformed plantation, Plantations in Qingtian county hadthe mean highest yield in the province. Correlation analysis on yield and site condition of plantation showed that the yield had negative relation withslope gradient(r=0.271, Sig=0.009). Simple linear regression analysis on slope and yield resulted as Y=340.61-5.299X. Suggestions on the futuredevelopment were put forwarded, such as increasing the area of new cultivars, researching and promoting mechanized production.


