

Effect of Harvesting Rhizome Shoot on Phyllostachys heterocyclacv. pubescens Growth

  • 摘要: 采用随机区组试验,2010 年选择浙江省遂昌县养分充足、大小年明显的笋竹两用毛竹(Phyllostachysheterocycla cv. pubescens)纯林样地,进行3 种处理:5 月开始采挖鞭笋、7 月开始采挖鞭笋和不挖鞭笋(对照),对竹笋产量、竹林结构和地下竹鞭生长进行对比分析。结果表明,5 月开始采挖比7 月开始采挖的鞭笋平均产量增加了53.01%;3 个处理的冬笋、春笋平均产量和毛竹林分结构均无显著差异;5 月开始采挖比对照的竹鞭总长增加了15.56%,竹鞭平均节间长度增加了0.34 cm,平均鞭粗度增加了0.40 cm。试验证明,5 月开始采挖鞭笋不影响冬笋、春笋产量,以及竹林丰产林分的结构以及地下竹鞭生长,反而会显著提高鞭笋产量,建议在鞭笋高产培育经营中推广应用该项技术。


    Abstract: In 2010, shoot and culm use Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. pubescens stands in Suichang, Zhejiang province were selected with sufficientnutrients and evident on-off year. Experiments by random block were conducted on harvesting rhizome shoot in May (treatment A), in July (treatmentB) and no treatment (control). Comparisons were made on shoot yield, stand structure and rhizome growth. The result showed that rhizome shootyield of treatment A increased by 53.01% than that of treatment B. Mean yield of winter and spring shoot and stand structure had no evidentdifference among three treatments. Total rhizome length, internode length of rhizome and mean rhizome diameter of treatment A had 15.56%, 0.34cmand 0.40cm more than that of the control. The experiment resulted that harvesting rhizome shoot had no negative effect on winter and spring shootyield, stand structure and rhizome growth, but positive effect of rhizome shoot yield. Recommendation was advised for extension of this technique.


