
草珊瑚叶片总RNA 提取方法及效果的比较研究

Comparison on Methods of Total RNA Extraction fromSarcandra glabra Leaves

  • 摘要: 采用CTAB 法、CTAB-LiCl 法、CTAB-Trizol 法、Trizol 法、天根RNA 提取试剂盒及百泰克RNA 提取试剂盒提取草珊瑚(Sarcandra glabra)叶片总RNA,并通过微量紫外分光光度计、电泳检测等对提取的结果进行了分析比较。结果表明:CTAB-LiCl 法和天根RNA 提取试剂盒比较适合提取草珊瑚叶片的总RNA。这两种方法提取的总RNA 的完整性和纯度较高,无明显的蛋白质及其他杂质污染,OD260/OD280 的值在1.9~2.1,OD260/OD230在2.0~2.4。获得质量高、完整性好、纯度高的总RNA,为后续构建cDNA 文库以及相关基因的克隆提供了试验基础。


    Abstract: Experiments were conducted on total RNA extraction from Sarcandra glabra leaves by CTAB, CTAB-LiCl, CTAB-Trizol, Trizol,TIANGEN RNAprep Pure Plant Kit and Bio Teke RNApure Total RNA Plant kit. Comparisons were made on the extraction efficiencies by UVspectrophotometer detection and electrophoresis. The result showed that extraction by CTAB-LiCl and TIANGEN RNAprep Pure Plant Kit wasbetter for total RNA in leaves of S. glabra, because the total RNA extracted by above two methods had better integrity and purity without obviouscontamination like proteins and other impurities. The ratio of OD260/OD280 was among 1.9-2.1, OD260/OD230 among 2.0-2.4.


