Preliminary Report on Seedling Traits of Rosa sterilis
摘要: 2010 年收集了560 粒无子刺梨(Rosa sterilis)种子,当年12 月播种在贵州省兴义市5 个不同的花钵内。2011 年2 月共出苗49 株,存活42 株。2011 年10 月,将其移入圃地抚育,观察实生苗植株形态和繁殖器官,发现植株形态有3 种类型,花果形态分化有4 种类型。Abstract: In 2010, 560 seeds of Rosa sterilis were collected and sowed in five pots in the current December in Xingyi, Guizhou province. In February2012, 49 seeds were germinated and 42 seedlings were conserved. They were transplanted in the nursery in October 2011 for better tendering.Observations were consecutively conducted on plant morphological, flower and fruit traits. The result demonstrated that seedlings had 3 types of plantmorphology, 4 types of flower and fruit morphology.