代俊, 肖之强, 马晨晨, 侯淑娜, 侯昭强, 石明, 杜凡. 滇东北植物区系新资料[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2016, 36(5): 69-76.
引用本文: 代俊, 肖之强, 马晨晨, 侯淑娜, 侯昭强, 石明, 杜凡. 滇东北植物区系新资料[J]. 浙江林业科技, 2016, 36(5): 69-76.
DAI Jun, XIAO Zhi-qiang, MA Chen-chen, HOU Shu-na, HOU Zhao-qiang, SHI Ming, DU Fan. New Information of Flora in the Northeast of Yunnan[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2016, 36(5): 69-76.
Citation: DAI Jun, XIAO Zhi-qiang, MA Chen-chen, HOU Shu-na, HOU Zhao-qiang, SHI Ming, DU Fan. New Information of Flora in the Northeast of Yunnan[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 2016, 36(5): 69-76.


New Information of Flora in the Northeast of Yunnan

  • 摘要: 2015 年对滇东北地区进行植物资源调查,发现并报道了滇东北新记录植物10 种5 变种,隶属于15 科15属,15 个属都为新纪录,即丁茜属(Trailliaedoxa)的丁茜(T. gracilis)、九节属(Psychotria)的驳骨九节(P. prainii)、青藤属(Illigera)的红花青藤(I. rhodantha)、栀子皮属(Itoa)的栀子皮(I. orientalis)、蓝雪花属(Ceratostigma) 的岷江蓝雪花(C. minus)、梭罗树属(Reevesia)的梭罗树(R. pubescens)、臭椿属(Ailanthus)的刺臭椿(A. vilmoriniana)、黄栌属(Cotinus)的粉背黄栌(C. coggygria var. glaucophylla)、大参属(Macropanax)的短梗大参(M. rosthornii)、密花树属(Rapanea)的平叶密花树(R. faberi)、白菊木属(Gochnatia)的白菊木(G. decora)、姜花属(Hedychium)的黄姜花(H.flavum)、百部属(Stemona)的大百部(S. tuberosa)、嘉榄属(Garuga)的白头树(G. forrestii)、诃子属(Terminalia)的光叶滇榄仁(T. franchetii var. glabra)。


    Abstract: Investigations in 2015 on plant resources in the northeast of Yunnan Province demonstrated new records of ten species, including 5varieties, belonging to 15 genera and 15 families. They were Trailliaedoxa gracilis, Psychotria prainii, Illigera rhodantha, Itoa orientalis,Ceratostigma minus, Reevesia pubescens, Ailanthus vilmoriniana, Cotinus coggygria var. glaucophylla, Macropanax parviflorus, Rapanea faberi,Gochnatia decora, Hedychium flavum, Stemona tuberosa, Garuga forrestii, Terminalia franchetii var. glabra. These fifteen genera were newlyrecorded from the northeast of Yunnan province.


