

Value of Ecosystem Services of Xixi National Wetland Park

  • 摘要: 基于2003 年、2005 年和2006 年西溪国家湿地公园土地利用数据,研究了其土地利用类型和生态系统服务价值的变化。根据遥感数据解译结果,西溪湿地土地利用类型主要分为建筑区、草地、绿地、郁闭池塘、道路、河道、稻田、林地及其他9 类;2003-2006 年,西溪湿地绿地面积增加最多,其次是建筑区面积,其他土地利用类型面积减少,其中郁闭池塘面积减少最多,达到2.53 km2;2003-2006 年,西溪湿地生态系统服务功能总价值降低了342.70 万元,增加的主要有原材料生产、气体调节、保持土壤和维持生物多样性,其余服务功能价值都有所降低,郁闭池塘面积降低较大是服务功能价值降低的主要原因。


    Abstract: Based on the remote sensing land use data of Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland in 2003, 2005 and 2006, changes of value of ecosystemservices were calculated. There were 9 types of land use in the park, such as building, grass land, green land, ponds, roads, watercourses, paddy field,forestland and others. The area of green land increased the most from 2003 to 2006, followed by that of building, and that of the left decreased,especially that of pond, about 2.53km2. The total value of Xixi Wetland ecosystem services decreased 3.427 million yuan RMB from 2003 to2006.,Value of raw material production, gas regulation, soil conservation and biodiversity maintenance increased, while the left of the ecosystemservices reduced, caused by reduction of pond area.


