

Techniques for Afforestation at Water-level Fluctuation Zonein Thousand Island Lake

  • 摘要: 2015 年2 月至2016 年3 月,在浙江省千岛湖库区消落带的不同海拔梯度选用银叶柳(Salix chienii)、池杉(Taxodium ascendens)、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、枫香树(Liquidambar formosana)、枫杨(Pterocaryastenoptera)、加杨(Populus×canadensis)、乌桕(Sapium sebiferum)、水竹(Phyllostachys heteroclada)8 个树种,采用苗高3.2 m 左右大苗造林,进行消落带造林技术研究。结果显示,在千岛湖水位涨落动态影响下,不同树种在不同水位梯度上的造林成活率差异明显。银叶柳能耐没顶水淹,在海拔99 m 梯级上全年持续没顶水淹116d 的成活率仍达70%;池杉和枫香树较耐水湿和水淹,但不耐没顶水淹,在海拔102 m 梯级上持续淹水192 d 的成活率仍达60%,但在101 m 及以下梯级消落带上由于持续没顶水淹长达21 d 或以上而死亡;水杉、枫杨、加杨和乌桕较耐水湿,但不耐高位水淹,更不耐没顶水淹,在海拔103 m 梯级上成活率分别为20%,60%,80%和40%,建议种植时考虑最高水位时的苗木出露水面1 m(水杉、枫杨和乌桕)或1.5 m(加杨);水竹能耐一定水淹,不能深度水淹,更不能没顶水淹,在104 m 梯级上成活率为40%,其水淹深度最深为0.52 m。


    Abstract: Afforestation was carried out in February of 2015 at water-level fluctuation zone with different altitudinal gradient in Thousand IslandLake, Zhejiang province, with saplings about 3.2m high of Salix chienii, Taxodium ascendens, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Liquidambarformosana, Pterocarya stenoptera, Populus x canadensis, Sapium sebiferum, Phyllostachys heteroclada. Complete enumeration was implemented inMarch of 2016. The result demonstrated that under dynamic water level fluctuation, survival rate of planted trees had great differences. S. chieniicould be resistant to water immersion and drowned water logging, survival rate still reached 70% after continuous drowned water logging 116 daysthroughout the year at 99m. T. ascendens and L. formosana could be resistant to water immersion and water logging, but not to be drowned water logging. Their survival rate reached 60% after continued drowned water logging 192 days at 102m, but died at 101m and below due to continuousdrowned of 21 days or more. M. glyptostroboides, P. stenoptera, P. ×canadensis and S. sebiferum was only resistant to wet, but not to high-levelwater logging and drowned. Their survival rate at 103m was respectively 20%, 60%, 80% and 40%. Recommendations were offered that afforestationby M. glyptostroboides, P. stenoptera and S. sebiferum seedlings should be 1m above the highest water level and 1.5m for P.×canadensis. Ph.heteroclada was resistant to water logging, but not to high-level water logging and drowned water logging, the survival rate at 104m was 40%, thedeepest drowned water logging depth was 0.52 m.


