

Effect of Interplanting of Polygonatum cyrtonema in Castanea henryi cv.youzhen on Spatial Distribution of Fine Roots

  • 摘要: 试验地设在浙江庆元县‘油榛’(Castanea henryi cv. youzhen)林,2013 年9 月套种多花黄精(Polygonatumcyrtonema),2015 年11 月,采用分层抽样方法通过环刀取样进行细根的采样及测定,以不套种为对照(清耕)。结果显示,复合系统下‘油榛’细根根长的垂直分布重心深度为0.26 m,比清耕模式下(0.32 m)上移了0.06 m;复合系统下细根根长的水平分布重心为距树干基部1.54 m,比清耕模式下(1.06 m)向树干基部远离了0.48 m。试验结果表明,在‘油榛’林下套种多花黄精,‘油榛’细根的量和分布均受到一定程度的正影响,但是细根的吸水效率有所降低。


    Abstract: Experiments were conducted at Castanea henryi cv. youzhen stand in Qingyuan, Zhejiang province. Polygonatum cyrtonema wasinterplanted in September of 2013 at C. henryi cv. youzhen stand. Determinations on fine roots were implemented by stratified sampling in Novemberof 2015, taking pure C. henryi cv. youzhen stand as control. The results showed that under interplanting condition, vertical distribution of fine roots ofC. henryi cv. youzhen concentrated in depth of 0.26m, 0.06m upper than that of the control. Horizontal distribution of fine roots under interplantingmodel concentrated 1.54m away from the trunk, 0.48m farther than that of the control. The experiments resulted that interplanting had positive effecton quantity and distribution of fine root of C. henryi cv. youzhen, but negative one on water absorption of fine roots.


