

Experiment on Field Cutting of Different Cultivars of Ficus carica

  • 摘要: 2015 年3 月,采用随剪随插的方式剪取104 个无花果(Ficus carica)品种的1~2 年生健壮枝条,进行大田扦插试验,同年11 月对其进行调查分析。结果表明,104 个品种间的扦插成活率差异显著,最高可达100%,最低为零,平均33.43%;当年扦插苗新枝平均生长量为8.98 cm,最高达20 cm,最低为5 cm,品种间差异显著;各品种根系数量、长度和根径差异也较大。相关性分析表明根的体积(根数×根长×根中间断面积)与扦插成活率无关,与枝生长量成显著正相关。根据扦插成活率、枝生长量和根系体积进行聚类分析,结果表明104 个无花果品种可归为6 类。


    Abstract: Field cuttage of 104 cultivars of Ficus caria were conducted in March 2015 with 1-2 year healthy cuttings in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang province..Investigations in the current November demonstrated that survival rate of cuttings among 104 cultivars had significant difference, with the highest of100%, the lowest of zero and mean of 33.43%. The average increment of new growth was 8.98 cm, there was significant difference among cultivarswith the highest of 20 cm and the lowest 5 cm. Analysis on root number, length and diameter showed significant diversity among cultivars.Correlation analysis revealed that root dimension had no relation with survival rate, but had significant positive one with the new growth. The clusteranalysis of survival rate, new growth and root dimension concluded that 104 cultivars could be divided into 6 groups.


