
油茶幼林复合经营系统中3 种农作物的生长节律研究

Growth Rhythm of Three Crops Interplanted in YoungCamellia oleifera Stand

  • 摘要: 2012 年3 月在浙江丽水市龙泉市兰巨乡仙仁村土地整理后种植1 年生油茶(Camellia oleifera)嫁接苗,2015年5 月分别套种落花生(Arachis hypogaea)、大豆(Glycine max)和稻(Oryza sativa)。7 月起采用整株挖掘取样法和图像分析法,测定生长期套种农作物的生物量,分析其生长节律。结果表明,3 种农作物高度最高为稻,收获时可达150.23 cm;生物量累积最高为大豆,收获时达769 g;单株根系长度、须根总长、根表面积最大值均为大豆,收获时分别为33.33 cm,875.04 cm,174.34 cm2。3 种农作物中大豆具有最佳的根系以应对油茶幼林复合系统中潜在的根系竞争,且大豆根系腐化后可提高油茶幼林的耕性;3 种作物生物量在器官中的积累规律趋于一致,茎和叶所占生物量最高,可达61.6%~68%;根所占生物量最低,约占总生物量的6.6%~14.7%。


    Abstract: 1-year Camellia oleifera seedlings were planted at Lanju, Longquan of Zhejiang province in March of 2012, and interplanting of Arachishypogaea, Glycine max and was carried out in May of 2015. Biomass of interplanted crops was determined from July to harvest in the current year.Results showed that O. sativa had the most height growth, topped to 150.23cm at the date of harvesting. G. max had the highest biomassaccumulation, up to 769g, and had the highest root length of single plant, total fine root length and root surface area, with 33.33cm, 875.04cm and174.34cm2 respectively. The experiment demonstrated that G. max had the best root system for interplanting at C. oleifera stand.


