

Effect of Different Substrates on Seedling and Root Growthof Larix gmelinii

  • 摘要: 2014 年4 月,选用不同粒径的松树皮、香菇渣做1 年生落叶松(Larix gmelini)实生苗的容器育苗基质,2014 年10 月测定相关数据,研究基质原料和粒径对其根系生长及形态构成的影响。结果表明,基质原料种类和粒径大小对落叶松幼苗根系的体积、表面积、总长度、平均直径、根尖数和分支数量等形态指标影响显著,各指标间显著相关;以粒径1 mm≤D<2 mm 的松树皮(P2)作为容器育苗基质最好,落叶松幼苗根系的总长度、根尖数量和分支数最多,细根(根径D<2 mm)所占比例也较高,根系吸收能力强。


    Abstract: Different diameter of pine bark, waste mushrooms media were selected for container seedling cultivation of 1-year Larix gmelinii in April2014 at Qianwei Forest Farm, Hebei province. Growth and root traits were determined in October 2014. The results showed that different substrateswith different diameter had significant effects on volume, surface area, length, diameter of root system, number of root tips and branched roots, andtheir traits were significantly correlated. The experiments demonstrated that the best substrate for seedling cultivation of L. gmelinii was pine barkwith diameter of 1≤d<2mm. Seedlings had the longest root system, the most root numbers and branched roots, the highest percentage of fine root.


