

New Species of Lamiaceae from Zhejiang

  • 摘要: 报道了2012 年发现于浙江省仙居县的唇形科(Lamiaceae)鼠尾草属(Salvia L.)一新种——仙居鼠尾草(Salviaxianjuensis Z. H. Chen, G. Y. Li et D. D. Ma)。该新种与阿里山鼠尾草(S. hayatae Makino ex Hayata)相近,区别在于仙居鼠尾草花冠外面被腺毛和柔毛,内面在冠筒基部具毛环,上唇直伸,先端凹缺,下唇向下弯折后前伸,中裂片呈向上的弯杓状,侧裂片向内靠拢,能育雄蕊的花药紫色,与后者易于区别。


    Abstract: A new species of Lamiaceae was found in Xianju, Zhejiang province in 2012. It was Salvia xianjuensis and illustrated. S. xianjuensisresembles S. hayatae, but differs in corolla morphology, glandular hairy or pubescent outside, with a ring of hairs inside, upper lip erect andemarginated, lower lip stretch forward after bend downwards, the central lobe upward flexuous arytenoid, lateral lobes inward closer, the anther ispurple.


