

Effect of Super High Temperature Pressure Treatment on Surface Color and Gloss of Cunninghamia lanceolata Wood

  • 摘要: 以杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata边材为试样在 280 ~ 340℃分别热压处理 5 s和 10 s,研究温度和时间对杉木颜色及光泽度的影响。结果表明:杉木经热压处理后弦切面的明度最低值为 45.21,下降了 37.9%,径切面的明度最低值为 41.91,下降了 38.8%,弦切面和径切面色差最大值分别为 27.8和 27.29。随着热处理温度的升高或时间的延长,明度值下降幅度逐渐增大,杉木表面光泽度上升。弦切面的明度变化率和总体色差随处理条件变化趋势与径切面相似,2项指标之间呈强相关性;平行/垂直于木材纹理的光泽度的最高上升率分别是 42.86%和 35.42%,变化趋势基本相似,热压时间对光泽度的影响大于热压温度。


    Abstract: Sapwood of C. lanceolata was purchased from market in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, and was cut into specimen with 20 mm×20 mm×20 mm. They were treated at 280℃, 300℃, 320℃ and 340℃ for 5 s and 10 s respectively for determination of various indicators of color and gloss. The results showed that the minimum luminance in tangential section of specimen treated by high temperature pressure was 45.21, 37.9% off of the control (no treatment), and that in radial section was 41.91, 38.8% off. The maximum chrominance in tangential section of specimen treated by high temperature pressure was 27.8 and 27.29 respectively. The luminance of treated specimen had negative relation with temperature and duration, but positive one with gloss. Change rate of luminance and chrominance of in tangential section of specimen was similar with that in radial section. The surface gloss (GZL) of specimen treated increased by 42.86% and that of GZT 35.42%. The experiment demonstrated that treated duration of pressure had more effect in gloss than temperature.


