

Effects of Structure and Site Condition of Neighbor Forests on Natural Expansion of Phyllostachys edulis Forest

  • 摘要: 为探明毛竹 Phyllostachys edulis林自然扩张的影响因素及程度,2005年在浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区选定 9个毛竹纯林小班,在其四周共设置 36个样地,测定分析样地林分的平均胸径、平均树高、郁闭度、林龄、林分密度、树种组成、坡度、坡位、土层厚度及林分起源 10个因子,2015年复测,分析 10 年间毛竹的自然扩张距离和 10因子的相关关系。主成分分析结果表明,反映林分密度、平均树高、平均胸径、郁闭度、树种组成的第一个主成分因子方差贡献率最高,达 46.99%,对毛竹林自然扩张的影响最大;表征坡度、坡位及土层厚度的第二个主成分因子,方差贡献率为 20.26%,对毛竹自然扩张的综合影响较第一个主成分因子小;第三个主成分因子是林分年龄和起源,对毛竹林自然扩张的影响最小。分析结果显示,邻近森林群落林分结构与立地条件决定了毛竹扩张能力,邻近群落结构简单,物种多样性低,其抗干扰能力就低,毛竹容易入侵。


    Abstract: In 2005, in Mount Tianmu National Nature Reserve of Zhejiang, 9 subcompartments were selected in Phyllostachys edulis forest, and 36 sample plots were established around subcompartments for determination and analysis on mean DBH, tree height, crown density, forest age, density, species composition, slope, slope site, soil thickness and forest origin. In 2015, determinations were repeated. Principal component analysis on data of the 2 determination showed that the first principal component, including forest density, mean DBH, average height, crown density and species composition had contribution rate of 46.99%. The second principal component consisted of slope, slope site and soil thickness, had 20.26% contribution rate, indicating that site condition had lower effect than the first one on natural expansion of P. edulis. The third principal component was about the age and origin of forest, had the lowest effect. The analysis resulted that expansion of P. edulis was caused by simple structure and lower species diversity of neighboring forest.


