

Identification of Natural Conservation Areas for Protected Species Suitable Habitat in Beijing

  • 摘要: 基于北京市34种有监测记录的国家重点保护动植物,利用最大熵MaxEnt模型预测物种潜在适宜栖息地和热点分布区,识别北京市重点自然保护空间,为自然保护地整合优化提供数据支撑。结果表明:(1)北京市国家重点保护野生动植物适宜生境面积有9 821.45 km2,可分为山区与平原过渡地带、海拔在400 ~ 700 m的山谷区和水体周边三种类型,多为线性栖息地;物种热点分布区有2 248.43 km2,聚集了北京市约75%的国家重点保护野生动植物,主要位于房山的十渡风景区和过渡地带、门头沟西北部、密云水库周边以及大兴南部;(2)物种适宜生境、热点区分布主要受降水量、地形和土地利用类型的影响,识别保护物种适宜生境和热点区为重要自然保护空间,以“整合、归并、补缺”方式进行北京自然保护地优化;(3)过渡地带和流域加强“补缺”,如通州大运河、丰台永定河流域等区域无保护地,存在保护空缺,应新建或扩建线性保护地来加强物种保护;山谷区通过“整合、归并”,将相邻以及周边生态价值高的区域连为一体,连通物种活动与迁徙廊道,维护生态系统完整性。


    Abstract: Maximum entropy modeling (MaxEnt) was used to identify potential and suitable habitat and aggregation distribution areas for 34 national key protected species in Beijing. The results showed that the suitable habitat for key protected species in Beijing was 9 821.45 km2, distributed at transition zone between mountain and plain, valley with an altitude of 400-700 m and water surrounding area. Species aggregation distribution area was 2 248.43 km2, where there were about 75% of key protected species of Beijing. Suitable habitat and aggregation distribution of protected species was influenced by precipitation, landform and land use types. Identification suitable habitat and aggregation distribution of protected species was for ecological protection.


