

Experiment on Seedling Cultivation on Mulberry Sawdust

  • 摘要: 2020年3月上旬至11月上旬,在重庆市,以桑Morus alba枝屑发酵物、椰糠、珍珠岩为基质材料,选择楠木Phoebe zhennan、樟Cinnamomum camphora、油茶Camellia oleifera 3个树种为育苗对象,设置4种轻基质处理,即P1(桑枝屑发酵物∶椰糠∶珍珠岩=8∶1∶1,均为体积比,下同)、P2(桑枝屑发酵物∶椰糠∶珍珠岩=6∶3∶1)、P3(桑枝屑发酵物∶椰糠∶珍珠岩=4∶5∶1)、P4(桑枝屑发酵物∶椰糠∶珍珠岩=2∶7∶1),以当地土壤(黄壤)为对照(CK)进行育苗试验,探讨不同基质配方的育苗效果。结果表明:(1)楠木、樟、油茶苗在4种轻基质处理下,1年生苗的苗高、地径、地上部分生物量、根系生物量、根系表面积、总根长、根尖数量均显著高于CK处理(P<0.05),并且其根系活力和净光合速率也显著提高(P<0.05);(2)3种苗木在不同轻基质处理下的生长情况存在较大差异,总体上以P3和P4处理的苗木长势更好,其根系活力和净光合速率更高;(3)苗木的根系表面积、总根长、根尖数量、根生物量、根系活力总体上均与地上部分生长情况(苗高、地径和地上部生物量)、净光合速率呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。可见,相较于传统的土壤育苗,轻基质对楠木、樟、油茶苗的生长具有显著的促进作用,综合考虑成本,4种轻基质配方中以P3处理为最优。


    Abstract: In March 2020, seedlings of Cinnamomum camphora, Phoebe zhennan and Camellia oleifera were planted on matrix of different formulas of mulberry sawdust fermentation, coconut chaff and perlite, namely P1 ( mulberry sawdust fermentation: coconut chaff: perlite=8:1:1, volume ratio, the same below), P2 (mulberry sawdust fermentation: coconut chaff: perlite=6:3:1), P3 (mulberry sawdust fermentation: coconut chaff: perlite=4:5:1), P4 (mulberry sawdust fermentation: coconut chaff: perlite=2:7:1), and the local soil (yellow soil) was used as the control. The results showed that 4 species seedlings on matrix with 4 formulas had evident better effect of height, ground diameter, aboveground biomass, root biomass, root surperficial area, total root length and root tip number than those of CK, as well as root vigor and net photosynthetic rate. There were significant differences in the growth of three species seedlings on different matrix. Seedlings on P3 and P4 had better growth, higher root vigor and net photosynthetic rate. Root surperficial area, total root length, root tip number, root biomass and root vigor had significantly positive relation with aboveground growth (height, ground diameter and aboveground biomass) and net photosynthetic rate. The experiment resulted that P3 had the best effect.


