

Observation on Life Habits of Pica pica in Typical Forestland of Tianzhu Area of Gansu

  • 摘要: 为科学地评估喜鹊Pica pica对农业生产的影响,2015—2019年,在甘肃省天祝县典型林地定点观测了喜鹊的筑巢习性、繁殖习性和觅食习性。结果发现,在该林地喜鹊筑巢时常选择高大的青杨Populus cathayana树冠顶端为筑巢点,每年7—8月喜鹊开始衔枝筑巢,筑好巢后即开始产卵,1年繁殖1次,每巢产卵4 ~ 6枚。卵产齐后由雌鸟孵化,孵化期为20 ~ 23 d。雏鸟出壳后由雌、雄亲鸟共同育雏,30 d左右雏鸟离巢。巢间距随着年份的增加而降低,巢穴密度随着年份的增加而提高,筑巢高度、产卵数、孵化期、孵化率、觅食活动半径和不同食物比例变化较小。不同年份的巢间距、筑巢高度、巢穴密度、产卵数、孵化期、孵化率、觅食活动半径和动物性食物、植物性食物和其他食物的比例平均值分别为1 142.85 m、15.79 m、1.23巢·hm-2、5.52枚·穴-1、21.09 d、50.50%、3 717.84 m、85.04%、11.05%和3.91%。鉴于以上结果,认为喜鹊对甘肃省天祝县的农业生产影响较小,在当地应以益鸟对待。


    Abstract: During 2015-2019, fixed point observations were conducted on the nesting, breeding and foraging behaviors of Pica pica in farmland shelterbelt, four-side trees, highway greenbelt and garden scenic forestland in Tianzhu county, Gansu province. The result demonstrated that P. pica usually nested on top of large Populus cathayana in survey points in July-August, and lay eggs. It breeds once a year, with 4-6 eggs every nest. Female spends 20-23 days for hatching, and female and male spends about 30 days for brooding, then fledglings leave. The distance nest of decreased with year increased, but the nest density was increased. Nest height, egg number, hatching period, hatching rate, foraging radius and different food rate had no great difference among different observation points. The average of nest distance, nest height, nest density, egg number, hatching period, hatching rate, foraging radius, rate of plant, insect and the food in different year were 1 142.85 m, 15.79 m, 1.23 nest/ha, 5.52 egg/nest, 21.09 day, 50.50%, 3 717.84 m, 85.04%, 11.05% and 3.91%.


