

Composition Properties and Conservation Value of Woody Plants at Fagus Community in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve

  • 摘要: 采用植物群落学方法对梵净山的原生水青冈属Fagus 植物群落木本植物进行了调查,并对其组成特征进行 了分析。结果表明:(1)梵净山水青冈属植物群落并非单优势种群落,其物种组成丰富,共有木本植物47 科, 93 属,178 种,与温带地区单优势种的水青冈属植物群落具有显著区别。(2)从区系成分来看,该地水青冈属植 物群落在地理分布上具有从热带分布向温带分布的过渡性,其木本植物物种组成具有偏热带性,其群落组成具有 古老性、复杂性和多样性。(3)木本植物层片结构分析表明,层片结构较稳定,4 类一级层片植物种均以常绿树 种占优势,丰富了世界水青冈属植物群落的常绿物种成分。(4)从树高、胸径的分析显示,树高等级大致呈反“J” 型分布,成层性明显;小胸径乔木占优势,但大乔木或超大乔木的相对显著度反而更高。研究认为,梵净山水青 冈属植物群落以其独特的地理位置和植物组成特征已具有世界遗产价值。


    Abstract: During September 2015 and October 2017, 6 permanent sample plots of 30m × 30m were established at Fagus communities in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou province. Several investigations on woody plants showed that there were 178 species of 93 genera and 47 families of woody plants, indicating that it had significant difference with the same communities in temperate area where was single dominant species. Analysis of floristic elements demonstrated Fagus communities had characteristics of transit from tropical to temperate distribution, and woody plants had more tropical properties with ancient, complex and diverse community compositions. Analysis on synusia of woody plants indicated that Fagus communities had stable structure, the 4 first-level synusia were dominated by evergreen species, which enriched the evergreen composition of the communities in the world. Analysis on height and DBH of woody plants showed that the height distribution was an inverse J-shaped curve with clear layers and small DBH trees dominant, but larger or super larger trees had higher prominence. The investigation and analysis resulted that Fagus communities in Fanjingshan has world heritage value with its unique location and composition properties.


