Growth of Different Generations and Types ofCunninghamialanceolata after Different Planting Years in Xinfeng of Jiangxi Province
In March of 2011, 1-year seedlings of Cunninghamialanceolataof 6 different generations and different types were planted in Ganzhou of Jiangxi province.Determinations were carried out on height, DBH and volume in October of 2013 and 2014, August of 2016.The result showed that it had evident difference of mean height, DBH and volume growth of tested seedlings in different determination year.The experiment demonstrated that seedlings from Yangkou3th generation seed orchard had the best growth in terms of height, DBH and volume, the mean volume of 7-year was 0.040 m3, higher than the average volume by 29.45%.The test concluded that advanced generation had higher yield increase, and local recommended seeds had better effect.