Experiment on Anti-mold Performance of Different Treated Bamboo Scrimber
摘要: 采用竹束浸渍、重组竹材浸渍及直接涂刷三种处理,对比分析同等浓度不同药剂及处理方式对重组竹材的霉腐防治效力。结果表明:华科-108强力杀菌防霉剂和ZJFC-I型水剂防霉剂都具有良好的霉菌抑制效果。而氟酚合剂、硼酚合剂,对试验霉菌具有一定的抑制效果,防治效力中等;3种水性防霉剂采用竹束浸渍处理和竹重组材浸渍处理后,防霉效果差异显著。对竹重组材进行防霉处理的效果显著优于对其制造单元(竹束)进行防霉处理。使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和傅立叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)对霉变前后毛竹重组材的解剖结构和化学组成进行观察和分析,结果发现竹重组材未经防霉处理,纤维素、半纤维素、木质素均发生不同程度的降解,纤维素和半纤维素降解程度较大,振动趋势有明显改变,说明竹材易发生霉变。而经过ZJFC-I和华科-108防霉处理后的竹材,降解程度稍弱,说明经过这两种防霉剂处理对三大素的降解具有一定的抑制作用。Abstract: Experiments were conducted on effect of different antiseptics on different treated bamboo scrimbers (impregnating bamboo bundle, impregnating bamboo scrimber and brushing scrimber). The results showed that Huake-108 and ZJFC-I had good anti-mold effect. While the fluorine, phenolic mixture and boron phenolic mixture had medium effect. Three other water antiseptics had significant difference of performance after treatment of impregnating bundle and scrimber with same concentration. Treatment of scrimber had better effect than that of bundle. Observations were conducted by SEM and FTIR on anatomic structure and chemical composition of scrimber before and after treatment. The results demonstrated that cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin of scrimber without treatment degraded, especially cellulose and hemicellulose, showing that scrimber was easy to mildew. While that treated by ZJFC-I and Huake-108 had weaker degradation, indicating that antiseptics had effect on degradation.
- scrimber /
- treatment /
- anti-mold property
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