

Characteristics and Evaluation on Landscape Resources in Dachen Islands

  • 摘要: 根据《旅游资源调查、分类与评价》(GB/T 18972-2003),浙江省台州市大陈岛森林公园风景旅游资源有8 个主类,18 个亚类,31 个基本类型,97 个单体,单体数量以地文景观为最,具有独特的自然景观和人文积淀。 有维管束植物125 科388 属584 种,7 个植被型组,12 个植被型、26 个群系;有省内难得的海岸地貌景观、战争 遗址和垦荒史迹。大陈岛风景旅游资源独特性强、品位高、分布合理。


    Abstract: According to “Classification, Investigation and Evaluation of Tourism Resources” (GB/T 18972-2003), there are 97 objects of 31 essential types, belonging to 18 subgroups and 8 groups in Dachen Islands Forest Park of Taizhou, Zhejiang province. Geographical landforms are dominated within objects. There are 584 species of vascular plant, belonging to 388 genera and 125 families. They could be divided into 26 formations of 12 forms of 7 types. Landscape resources in Dachen Islands have advantages of unique, high quality and rational distribution.


