Investigation of Wetland Plant Resources in Zhoushan Islands
摘要: 舟山群岛全区湿地面积共有68 870.72 hm2,按湿地植物生境类型分,舟山群岛分布有湿地类型3大类10型,其中近海与海岸湿地62 769.32 hm2,占全区湿地面积的91.14%,河流湿地180.07 hm2,占全区湿地面积的0.26%,人工湿地5 921.33 hm2,占全区湿地面积的8.60%。调查发现,共有湿地维管束植物97科311属517种,其中蕨类植物14种,占2.6%,裸子植物5种,占0.9%,被子植物519种,占96.5%;按照植被型组—植被型—群系的分类系统进行分类,舟山群岛湿地植被可以划分为11个植被型,64个群系,其中栽培群系7个。Abstract: There are 68870.72 hectares of wetland in Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang province, among them, 62769.32 hectare of coastal area, 18007 hectare of riparian area and 5921.33 hectare of artificial one. Investigations demonstrated that there were 517 species of vascular plants, belonging to 97 families and 311 genera, among them, 14 species of ferns, 5 species of gymnosperm, 519 species of angiosperm. Wetland vegetation of Zhoushan Islands could be divided into 11 types and 64 formations, including 7 cultivation formations.
- Zhoushan Islands /
- wetland plants /
- wetland resources protection
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